The purpose of the Act on the Protection of Whistleblowers of Work-Related Violations of European Union Law is to ensure protection for whistleblowers who have decided to report (potential) work-related violations to their company or organization. Companies and other organizations under the obligation to establish a corresponding channel can do so either on their own or through an external service provider. 

The most important keywords that all companies and organizations should bear in mind are confidentiality, protection of whistleblowers and security. It is extremely important to establish for employees and partners a secure, convenient environment that can be used to report violations when necessary. At Grant Thornton Baltic, we believe that a well-designed and effective reporting channel is an efficient way of achieving trustworthiness.

What we do for our clients is structure, implement and provide support for a trustworthy whistleblower channel. Our goal is to be a secure and trustworthy partner aimed at processing and, if desired, investigating reports in a law-aiding, impartial and professional manner. Our service package includes suitable solutions for all businesses.

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We can provide support in the following stages:

1. Establishing and administering the whistleblower line

  • A whistleblower channel provided by Grant Thornton Baltic is a web-based notification channel created especially to make reporting as easy and convenient as possible for all employees and partners.
  • Legislation in force emphasizes that whistleblowers should be able to remain anonymous if they prefer. Our channel supports this option while allowing feedback to be given to the whistleblower later on.
  • Data protection and cyber security rules are taken into account in establishing and using the whistleblower line.
  • The channel can support different languages.

2. Establishing in-house procedure and training employees

  • We believe that setting up an efficient system also requires broader awareness raising efforts.
  • We help companies to draft suitable internal rules based on their needs.
  • Successful setup also includes training of employees and creating a set of short introductions to the procedure.

3. Primary processing and/or full investigation of reports of violations

  • The greatest trust in the eyes of clients and partners comes from an arrangement where the company or organization does not itself process the reports but rather has an external provider do so.
  • We can provide our clients with initial processing of reports where we draw a short summary of the violations and the potential facts of the matter. We convey the summary to the client along with proposed follow-up actions. We also send the whistleblower a confirmation that their report has been received.
  • We can also conduct full investigation of reports. If you opt for this service, we conduct a detailed analysis of the incident and independently – or if necessary, with the company’s assistance – gather additional evidence. This process can also include interviews and/or other meetings with the parties involved.
  • The aim of a full investigation is to produce a thorough investigation report. We also draw on other Grant Thornton specialists to formulate observations and feedback into as specific and detailed form as possible.
  • In the course of a full investigation, we communicate with the whistleblower starting from the point that we receive the report up to informing them about follow-up measures.

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Whistleblower channel

Whistleblower report form

Whistleblower report form

Whistleblower report form: ASB GREENWORLD EESTI

Whistleblower report form: ASB GREENWORLD EESTI

Whistleblower report form

Whistleblower report form

Whistleblower report form

Whistleblower report form