A good business plan is a guide and management tool for an entrepreneur, a source of information for financial institutions and potential investors to make financial decisions. A well-designed and well-thought-out business plan is the basis for a successful business by providing a significant advantage over competitors.

An entrepreneur needs a business plan both – when setting up a company and when applying for financing or refinancing of existing activities (e.g. to expand, launch a new product/service or attract investors). Crises (e.g. Covid-19) influences are guiding businesses to consider state support measures, which requires both a comprehensive overview of the company’s situation as well as realistic financial projections.

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Grant Thornton Baltic specialists prepare financial projections, forecasts and budgets, as well as feasibility studies and financial analyzes. Based on your goals and objectives, we develop business plans that meet international standards.

Work stages
Preparation of a business...

Work stages

Meaningful and concise
The business plan provides a meaningful overview of your operating activities, describes the strategy and action plan taking into account the specifics of your business, which also includes an analysis of opportunities and risks.
Comprehensive forecasts
We prepare business-, investment-, financing-, cash flow and balance sheet projections, which provide a reliable and realistic overview of the company’s plans.
Thorough analysis
We describe the measures to achieve the objectives defined in the business plan, expected demand, capital needs, investment and sales strategies, market strategies and the planned organizational restructuring.
Negotiations with potential investors
We advise and coordinate communication with financial institutions and/or investors.

    We prepare a business plan based on the needs of your company. In addition to business and financial advisors, we also involve experienced tax and legal advisers in the working group for preparing a comprehensive and value-creating business plan. If necessary, accounting and auditing specialists also participate in the working group.

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    Professional and personal approach

    Grant Thornton Baltic prepared a financial model and forecast for Kilingi-Nõmme Cooperative (Coop), which was the basis for the Net Present Value (NPV) scenario analysis.

    As for Grant Thornton's financial advisory team, I am pleased with their professional and personal approach, both in their commitment to understanding our business objectives in depth and in translating them into numbers. The NPV scenario analysis carried out by Grant Thornton's specialists was crucial to our decision and has given us a better insight into the future prospects of our company. 

    Kilingi-Nõmme Cooperative was founded in 1911 with the establishment of the Saarde Cooperative. The cooperative operates in Pärnumaa. Kilingi-Nõmme Cooperative has a total 96 employees, 547 members or client-owners and 9 stores, including 3 Coop Konsum stores, 1 Coop Construction Centre and 5 Coop small stores.

    Leelo Allik, Member of the Board of Kilingi-Nõmme Cooperative

    Grant Thornton Baltic nõustas 2019. aasta sügisel ettevõtet Milrem Robotics uudse sõjaroboti Type X äriplaani ja finantsprognooside koostamisel.

    Business plan: Milrem Robotics

    Read more
    We advised Milrem Robotics in attracting investments.
    The purpose of the business plan was to provide potential investors an overview of the operations of Milrem Robotics’, the concept of and capabilities of Type X, the market potential and action plan to start production.
    Milrem Robotics Type X
    Type X is a modern robotic fighting vehicle that is similar in size to current infantry fighting vehicles (i.e. CV90 infantry fighting vehicle). According to the initial action plan, Type X driving tests will take place in autumn 2020.