We conduct audits of projects that have received European Union funds, state aid, foreign aid, or other grants.

We assess the eligibility of project costs and the compliance of the project implementation with the conditions for granting support. When conducting a project audit, we follow the requirements of the grant agreement and the guidelines for project auditing. If necessary, we involve a sworn auditor in the audit team.

Send us your inquiry


"Thank you for the pleasant cooperation. I can say again that successful cooperation depends a lot on people, their attitude and professionalism. The audit of the EU supported project (as well as the previous project audit) went very smoothly for us and the communication with Kai Paalberg and Merili Kiipus was really pleasant! We're hoping to use your services again in the future."

Kallo KeelmannLogo - Tallinna Sadam ENG - 210x65pxpx.png
Project manager for EU projects
Port of Tallinn