Our goal is simple – to be the ideal choice for a developing company. We help
expand your world and look beyond the horizon, and we provide sound advice to support your major business decisions.

We work with both small and large companies engaged in a variety of business areas. Alongside Estonian companies, our clients include companies operating in the Baltic states. We serve these clients in cooperation with our Latvian and Lithuanian colleagues. We also have the competence to provide services on an international scale; we form a part of the international Grant Thornton advisory network and are able to rely on the know-how and experience of colleagues in more than 135 countries.

Send us your inquiry

6-box model: a strategy conversation for a company management

  • The 6-box model was developed for medium-sized and owner-managed companies, but it is suitable for all companies.
  • The 6-box model is very practical and easy to use.
  • The model helps companies to map the current situation, set plans for the future, identify factors and challenges that hinder the achievement of goals.

Step back. Focus. Act!

The variety of companies is endless, and the number of ways for making a company grow is about as big.

That’s why as business advisers, we can’t provide onesize-fits-all formulas, but rather solutions that are just right for your company.

What we need?

We have to get to know the field in which you operate and your company’s specifics, understanding what your goals are – as well as the possible obstacles on the way to fulfilling those goals.

How we do it?

We conduct what we call a 6-box interview. It takes up to two hours and as the name indicates, we focus on six areas.

The interview helps us understand your company’s needs, and then we put in place your priorities and write down the solutions that emerge. We then agree on further activities. If necessary, we will conduct a workshop with your management team in order to draft a more detailed action plan. The 6-box interview also helps us think outside the box.

What’s the result?

The 6-box interview helps you:

  • analyse the current situation of your company,
  • set future plans,
  • highlight the challenges and factors that hinder achieving your goals.

6-box interview creates a foundation on which you can establish a plan, and then put it into motion. We then help you to stay on the right course.


Contact your account manager to agree on a time for your 6-box interview!

Contact us!


Analysis of the energy networks

Analysis of the energy networks

Read more
The project
Grant Thornton Baltic OÜ experts conducted an analysis of the energy networks belonging to public undertakings at the request of the Strategy Unit of the Government Office of Estonia.
Job description
The project included an analysis of the ownership structure, economic sustainability of the provision of network services and profitability of the companies, management of the network assets and cooperation between companies.
Projects results
The results identified areas that need to be improved as a priority, described possible development directions and together with the steering group provided proposals for the selection of a possible development version.

    The Owners' Room – a critical thinking space for business owners.

    The Owner’s Room gives owners time and space to think critically about their role and provides a framework designed to bring clarity to their ambitions.

    Finding time for a fresh perspective

    Leadership research shows that clarity will do more to unlock the discretionary effort of your key stakeholders – the people who have the greatest impact on delivering your goals – than anything else.

    As an owner, it is critical that you provide your stakeholders – whether that is other owners, family members, the board, management team, customers or employees – with clarity about your values, your ambitions and their role in achieving these.

    However, we recognise that addressing the day-to-day demands of owning a business makes it difficult to prioritise time to reflect on your role as an owner.

    That is why we developed the Owner’s Room.

    A focused agenda

    During an Owner’s Room session, you will be guided through a thought provoking discussion covering four core areas:

    • Your ownership journey so far
    • Where the business is today and your assumptions about the future
    • Your ownership goals and when you want achieve them
    • The importance of leadership and bringing clarity to your stakeholders

    A critical thinking space

    The Owner’s Room is a dedicated, stimulating and interactive space for a facilitated discussion where you will be able to think critically and reflect on your ownership issues and ambitions.

    When to use The Owner’s Room

    You can benefit from the Owner’s Room at any stage in your ownership lifecycle.

    However, it is particularly useful when you need help managing the opportunities and challenges of responding to change, eg a change of leadership or owner.

    Get in touch!

    For further details or to book an Owner’s Room session, please send us an inquiry or speak to your local Grant Thornton adviser.

    Contact us!