Mart Nõmper Grant Thornton Baltic
Press Release

Mart Nõmper in a high position in the Estonian Auditors’ Association

The Estonian Auditors’ Association got a new vice president in August 2022. We are glad that Mart Nõmper, partner and sworn auditor of Grant Thornton Baltic, was chosen for this role!

At the same time, Nõmper belongs to the board elected by the Estonian Auditors’ Association members, which directs and manages the activities of the Estonian Auditors’ Association according to the association's strategy. Mart Nõmper says: "The status of vice president and member of the board is the best way to actively contribute to the achievement of the goal of the Estonian Auditors’ Association: to keep the Estonian business environment reliable."

For nearly three decades, Grant Thornton Baltic has consistently contributed to the development of auditing activities in Estonia, actively participating in the work of both the Estonian Auditors’ Association and its forerunner, the Auditing Activities Council. Our leading partner and sworn auditor Mati Nõmmiste has been a board member, president, and vice president of the Estonian Auditors’ Association. In 2016, Mati Nõmmiste was awarded the Order of Merit of the White Star V class by the Estonian president for his dedicated work in the promotion and development of the audit field, and in October 2022, he was awarded the Order of Merit of the Estonian Auditors’ Association.

In 2019, when Nõmmiste left the board of the Estonian Auditors’ Association, Mart Nõmper was elected to the board and he will continue to work on the next board elected in June 2022. In addition, the sworn auditors of Grant Thornton Baltic have contributed to the committees and working groups of the Auditors’ Association.

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