Regardless of whether your company is only just starting out or already rapidly growing, Grant Thornton Baltic can be a trusted partner for you.
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We help expand your world and look beyond the horizon, and we provide sound advice to support your major business decisions.

Read the latest insights, news and more

Can Omnibus help us out of the bureaucratic tangle?
Omnibus Package Can Omnibus help us out of the bureaucratic tangle?
On 26 February, the European Commission released significant proposals for easing the European Union’s sustainability rules. Called the Omnibus Package, the proposals covers the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) and EU Taxonomy regulations.
Alar Urke
| 5 min read |
The first three months of the whistleblower reporting channel – how has it gone?
Whistleblower channel The first three months of the whistleblower reporting channel – how has it gone?
We are already three months into 2025. Establishing a whistleblower channel has been obligatory for all companies with more than 50 employees for exactly that long – a requirement that stems from the Whistleblower Protection Act.
Eliis Talisainen
| 4 min read |
What is DORA and what should you know about it?
Information security services What is DORA and what should you know about it?
The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA), which came into effect on January 17 this year, aims to prevent cyber threats and reduce the impact of incidents on businesses and the broader European financial sector.
Ines Junti
| 3 min read |
Auditing ESG reports helps avoid greenwash
ESG audit Auditing ESG reports helps avoid greenwash
It is becoming more accepted that companies should not only focus on their own main goal – earning a profit – but also consider the environmental and social impact of their activities.
Gerli Soosalu
| 9 min read |
Overview of 2025–2026 tax changes
Taxes Overview of 2025–2026 tax changes
Tax changes that await in 2025 onwards.
Jaana Sild Grant Thornton Baltic
| 15 min read |

Our news

10 Mar 2025

Estonian Auditors Support Ukraine!

Grant Thornton Baltic otsustas liituda vandeaudiitor Rein Ruusalu algatusega, kes kutsub kõiki audiitoreid annetama Ukraina heaks Eesti kaitsetööstuse toodangut Riigikaitse Edendamise SA kaudu.

05 Feb 2025

RECOGNIZED 2024: Wild Wild West and Our Best!

At the beginning of January, we gathered to celebrate the achievements of the past year and recognize outstanding colleagues and projects with a grand Wild Wild West-themed Christmas party.

15 Nov 2024

Gaily Kuusik recognized with third place in the accounting innovator 2024 awards

In 2024, the top honor went to Krista Teearu, but we are proud to announce that our Head of Business Process Solutions and Partner, Gaily Kuusik, secured a well-deserved third place!

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